A group of eccentric women from history, led by Marie Curie, reappear in a dystopian world ruled by cat-like creatures that devour humans. They unite and organise to fight them from the secrecy of the deep web. This series is a succession of delirious sketches starring historically important women. They will come together to share their different experiences to help each other survive in this new reality dominated by evil cats. In each episode, Team Pink Noise, with the help of a special guest, tries to foil the cats' plans.
Action and Adventure Science fiction Comedy Historical Politics
26 x 20'
Animation Series
A group of eccentric women from history, led by Marie Curie, reappear in a dystopian world ruled by cat-like creatures that devour humans. They unite and organise to fight them from the secrecy of the deep web. This series is a succession of delirious sketches starring historically important women. They will come together to share their different experiences to help each other survive in this new reality dominated by evil cats. In each episode, Team Pink Noise, with the help of a special guest, tries to foil the cats' plans.
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