TULIPOP is an animated preschool 2D TV Series of 7’ episodes based on the magical wonderful world of Tulipop, where adventure and discovery are around every corner, featured by mushroom-capped characters and adorable monsters. Welcome to this magical world and get to know Bubble, Gloomy, Fred, Maddy and Mr. Tree! You will fall in love with them.

SERVICES WORK: Tomavision provided rigging, layout, backgrounds, animation and compositing for 3 seasons of the TV Series.

Data sheet
  • Year


  • Typology


  • Genre

    Science fiction

  • Audience


  • Duration


  • Original Version Language


  • Format

    Animation Series

Technical and artistic team

TULIPOP is an animated preschool 2D TV Series of 7’ episodes based on the magical wonderful world of Tulipop, where adventure and discovery are around every corner, featured by mushroom-capped characters and adorable monsters. Welcome to this magical world and get to know Bubble, Gloomy, Fred, Maddy and Mr. Tree! You will fall in love with them.

SERVICES WORK: Tomavision provided rigging, layout, backgrounds, animation and compositing for 3 seasons of the TV Series.


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