Primeras (First) is an animated series that shows the life stories of women from around the world who became pioneers in fields that until then were reserved for men. With passion and determination, these young women decided to go further and change the rules to make their dreams come true. In doing so, they became the “Firsts” to enter fields such as sports, science, the arts, and social movements. This series, aimed at children over 9 years old and a family audience, presents the stories of people from different parts of the world and cultures. It’s a proposal to see what happens when we open the door to those we see as strangers and an invitation to dream big and be whoever we want to be.
Children and Youth
13 x 11'
Original Version Language
Animation Series
Paloma Mora and Bambu Orellana
Elena Gobernado, María Mínguez, Noelia Martínez and Guadalupe Sáez, Catalina Fontecilla, Javier Risco, Michelle Redón, Bárbara Salinas and Bambú Orellana
Primeras (First) is an animated series that shows the life stories of women from around the world who became pioneers in fields that until then were reserved for men. With passion and determination, these young women decided to go further and change the rules to make their dreams come true. In doing so, they became the “Firsts” to enter fields such as sports, science, the arts, and social movements. This series, aimed at children over 9 years old and a family audience, presents the stories of people from different parts of the world and cultures. It’s a proposal to see what happens when we open the door to those we see as strangers and an invitation to dream big and be whoever we want to be.
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