SELFTAPE is the story of two sisters, Joana (26) and Mireia (24), who, after three years without seeing one another, suddenly find themselves thrown back together. This reunion will force them to try and manage their complex relationship, which has been marred by their profession as actresses, leading to constant comparisons and competition. Now, obliged to live with each other again, they will have to learn how to forgive their past, take responsibility for their mistakes and cure their still-open wounds, if they are going to be able to move forward and fight to make their dreams come true.

Data sheet
  • Year


  • Typology


  • Genre


  • Duration


  • Original Version Language

    Catalan, Spanish, English

  • Format

    Fiction Series

Technical and artistic team
  • Director

    Bàrbara Farré

  • Producer


  • ScreenWriter

    Joana & Mireia Vilapuig, Ivan Mercadé

  • Executive Producer

    Arca - Filmax


SELFTAPE is the story of two sisters, Joana (26) and Mireia (24), who, after three years without seeing one another, suddenly find themselves thrown back together. This reunion will force them to try and manage their complex relationship, which has been marred by their profession as actresses, leading to constant comparisons and competition. Now, obliged to live with each other again, they will have to learn how to forgive their past, take responsibility for their mistakes and cure their still-open wounds, if they are going to be able to move forward and fight to make their dreams come true.

  • Looking for

    • Distributor


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