‘Agent 203’ is an animated spy adventure comedy about a young girl, Zoe, who discovers that her father was a secret intergalactic agent protecting our planet against alien invasions. She decides to follow in her father's footsteps and, together with her best friends and her father's former agent partner, Zoe protects our planet from General Gore, the ultimate badass alien, tries to live a teenage life, while trying to find out what happened to her father.

Data sheet
  • Year


  • Typology


  • Genre

    Action and Adventure Children and Youth

  • Duration

    26 x 22'

  • Format

    Animation Series

Technical and artistic team

‘Agent 203’ is an animated spy adventure comedy about a young girl, Zoe, who discovers that her father was a secret intergalactic agent protecting our planet against alien invasions. She decides to follow in her father's footsteps and, together with her best friends and her father's former agent partner, Zoe protects our planet from General Gore, the ultimate badass alien, tries to live a teenage life, while trying to find out what happened to her father.

  • Looking for

    • Broadcaster


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