Camilo Sesto, in a burst of inspiration, decides to adapt the most modern and groundbreaking musical of the time, "Jesus Christ Superstar," causing a historic revolution in Spain. He, along with other idealists, faces numerous challenges to bring the revolutionary rock opera to Spain.

The series delves into the soul of the artist, exploring the reasons that led him to risk his fortune and career in a complex context.

Data sheet
  • Year


  • Typology


  • Genre

    Drama Biopic

  • Duration

    4 x 50'

  • Format

    Fiction Series

Technical and artistic team

Camilo Sesto, in a burst of inspiration, decides to adapt the most modern and groundbreaking musical of the time, "Jesus Christ Superstar," causing a historic revolution in Spain. He, along with other idealists, faces numerous challenges to bring the revolutionary rock opera to Spain.

The series delves into the soul of the artist, exploring the reasons that led him to risk his fortune and career in a complex context.


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