The Little Orchestra

A series that cel­e­brates music. We all love songs… but what are they made from? Why do they make us feel the way they do? It’s all a bit of a puz­zle… but don’t wor­ry, The Lit­tle Orches­tra has come to unrav­el the mys­tery!

En desarrollo
Ficha técnica
  • Año


  • Tipología


  • Género

    Infantil y Juvenil

  • Duración

    26 x 11’

  • Formato

    Serie Animación

Equipo técnico y artístico

A series that cel­e­brates music. We all love songs… but what are they made from? Why do they make us feel the way they do? It’s all a bit of a puz­zle… but don’t wor­ry, The Lit­tle Orches­tra has come to unrav­el the mys­tery!

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