In the not-too-distant future, Leo, a shy otaku who spends his days connected to virtual reality, will have to transform himself into a fearless cyber-sleuth to impress the girl of his dreams. To do so, he must solve the case of ‘The Undertaker’, a feared anonymous social media hater who eliminates prominent online influencers, with the help of a digital device called Megainfluencer and his friends: Miku and Phong. This story explores the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship with smartphones, video games and social media to avoid addiction, loneliness, online bullying and cybercrime. And it does so with plenty of action and comedy.
Action and Adventure Comedy Family
Animation Feature Film
In the not-too-distant future, Leo, a shy otaku who spends his days connected to virtual reality, will have to transform himself into a fearless cyber-sleuth to impress the girl of his dreams. To do so, he must solve the case of ‘The Undertaker’, a feared anonymous social media hater who eliminates prominent online influencers, with the help of a digital device called Megainfluencer and his friends: Miku and Phong. This story explores the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship with smartphones, video games and social media to avoid addiction, loneliness, online bullying and cybercrime. And it does so with plenty of action and comedy.
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